
Never stop learning

Some of these books were recommended to me throughout my TBI journey. Some of these books, I found on my own. If reading is too difficult for you in your recovery state, try listening to them as a book on tape. I had to take my time while reading some of these, but I learned something from each book. I also realized that I am not alone in my TBI fight. There is HELP and there is HOPE.

  • The Ghost in my Brain by Clark Elliott, PhD

    This is my top ‘must read’ book for anyone who has suffered a TBI. Dr Elliott is able to put into words how I felt most of the time. It is an excellent book for caregivers as well as they too can then better relate to the struggles of the TBI survivor.

  • Turn the Lights On! by Dr. Chrisanne Gordon

    Dr. Gordon is a fellow Ohioan and shares her story as a medical doctor trying to navigate her own recovery.

  • SuperBetter by Jane McGonigal

    Ms. McGonigal is a game designer. After her TBI she decided to make her recovery into a game.

  • Brain Save! by Dr. Titus Chiu

    After Dr. Chiu’s TBI, he put together an easy to read six-week plan to heal your brain.

  • Concussion Rescue by Dr. Kabran Chapek

    Dr. Chapek describes in detail the program that he puts his patients on for their TBI recovery.

  • Bottled Away by Lani Hankins

    To end veteran suicide, we have to better understand why people hurt the way they do and how to help them recover.